Starting from the anxiety of the values of cultural virtue that is rarely considered again by the community and the belief that many great cultural values that can be extracted and applied back to the present, Hengky Pramudya,ST, IAI, founded ARSITEK PRAMUDYA at 2020.New is not a taboo, but the romance of the past intellectual is a valuable treasure for the future. That is why our design approach always be at its tip of cultural wisdom and a dialogue with the present to step in to the future. The dynamic dialectic of human beings with their environment that will shape the cultural relics in the course of our life. And so, we will always be in process on our journey, and on our works.Stepping forward while always learning to look back from the culture of this great nation. Towards a developed nation with a solid cultural foundation. This is our anxiety, our calling to continue to work and develop.
Read more >TMS Creative (PT. Talenta Multikreasi Sejahtera) is a one-stop spatial design company, established in mid-2014. The passion for design & creative minds brought the founders together in establishing and developing a mutual understanding that “design can change life”. Involving various creativity in every aspect of our services has become our signature to trigger original concept ideas for solutions to spatial problems. We pride ourselves not just on being an ordinary interior designer; we are research-based interior architectural firm. Using our knowledge and expertise, we thoroughly evaluate every project, discuss the client’s preferred design ideas, and then provide detailed schematics and graphics to visualize the vision. Our prices are very competitive, our service par excellence. We are imaginative, innovative and people-oriented organization providing individual opportunity, personal satisfaction and rewarding challenges to all members of the firm. Our team consists of not only talented designers, with big dreams and wide range of creative experience, but also associates from different design fields and countries, in supporting projects and meeting our clients' satisfaction. Specializes in 3 sectors: a. Spatial design services (interior architecture), b. Design and Lifestyle (interior products), and c. Property by design (interior staging).
Read more >Perusahaan bergerak dibidang pekerjaan sipil, arsitektur, dan interior
Read more >Giving ideas to something that lasts and to enhance a good quality of people's lives. Over 15 years as profesional Architect to be more matture how architecture and interior can give an unforgetable experience in people's life. Work fast and in a right composition, good understanding through renderings, become one of the important element of enjoyment.
Read more >Hallo perkenalkan Kami Bimasaka. Kami menawarkan jasa desain rumah atau bangunan dan jasa konstruksi. Kami berbasis di Purbalingga dengan tenaga ahli arsitek dan engineer sipil yang berpengalaman di bidang perencanaan, konstruksi dan arsitektur. Kami percaya setiap kualitas terbaik didukung oleh tenaga kerja terbaik.
Read more >We pursue to generate UNIQUE SPACE EXPERIENCE for each design that we create, specific to each individual’s NEEDS & requirement.
Read more >Haka konstruksi adalah perusahaan bergerak di bidang konstruksi bangunan yang mengedepankan integritas dan keterbukaan. Kami berkomitmen dalam setiap pelaksanaan pekerjaan. Sebagai ahli Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur setiap pekerjaan mengedepankan perencanaan dan analisa yang matang untuk tercapainya harapan dan keinginan klien. Kami menawarkan jasa meliputi konsultasi, desain and build kontraktor, general kontraktor dan kerjasama pengembangan lahan.
Read more >Dalam mendesain kami berkomitmen mengedepankan ciri Asri, Ekslusif dan Elegan. Ciri Asri yaitu memaksimalkan potensi alam sekitar tapak seperti pencahayaan Alami, sirkulasi udara dan penghijauan. Ciri Ekskusif yaitu desaiin dibuat mendasarkan keinginan dan personality dari klien sedangkan ciri Elegan yaitu desain memiliki penampilan yang menarik. Kami sudah berpengalaman di bangunan gedung lebih dari 10 tahun. Proyek yang kami tangani mulai dari Rumah tinggal, Hotel, Komersil, hingga perkantoran
Read more >Berawal dari usaha perseorangan di tahun 2012, Kalana resmi berdiri sebagai perusahaan pada tahun 2018. Sejak saat itu, Kalana sudah melayani puluhan klien di bidang FnB maupun sipil. Layanan mencakup pemasangan lantai, struktur bangunan, beton, dan pembangunan rumah.
Read more >We ar an associates architect and interior designer with 4 years experience, which it is involved an initiative, soft skill, soft motivation and various skill. My goal is to bring a design to life. A space can go from four simple land and walls to a home with just a few simple ingredients, my job is to help you finish the recipe.
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