Atelier BAOU is an architecture and interior design studio based in Tangerang, Indonesia. It was founded in 2017 by enthusiastic young architects. Atelier BAOU always give special design with innovative , simple, and contemporary to contribute Indonesian architecture. We welcome client input at all stages of a project. As a studio, we are quickly and decisively responsive to our clients, flexibly adjusting our processes to suit each client and project. We design to build comfort and better building design. Forms and spaces are no mere objective, they are developed from the processes, demands and cultural contexts of each project. We consider our client service to include not only design excellence, but also the successful, efficient and good delivery of completed projects. We partner with our clients throughout the full design and construction process, ensuring the client experience is as best as possible.
Read more >Penyedia Jasa Rancang dan Bangun (Design & Build) yang berlokasi di Bandung, Kami selalu mengedepankan design development yang matang supaya dapat menjadi solusi bagi pemberi jasa dalam pengaplikasian di lapangan yang terstruktur yang dapat menghasilkan kualitas yang optimal dan kesesuian dilapangan berdasarkan desain. Semoga kehadiran dari kami dapat membantu menyelesaikan problem/ issue dari masing-masing pencari problem solver.
Read more >Gohte Architects is an architectural consulting firm established in 2015. We are incorporating a wide range of architectural and interior designs. We believe in clean design that integrate nature space into your building with architectural and interior solution.
Read more >Anemoi Studio merupakan biro konsultan desain dan build yang menyediakan jasa konsultasi desain arsitektur dan interior. kami selalu berusaha untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada klien, konsep dari karya - karya design kami berangkat dari modern tropis kontemporer dengan penyelesaian design yang ramah lingkungan.yang mana dalam merencanakan & merancang sebuah design kami selalu mengutamakan pencahayaan serta pengudaraan yang alami, tata letak ruang & gubahan masa bangunan yang selaras dengan alam, serta semaksimal mungkin tidak merusak lingkungan yang ada.besar harapan kami untuk bisa ikut membantu proses ide kreatif anda dalam mewujudkan sebuah mimpi & imajinasi, menjadi karya nyata arsitektur & interior yang indah dalam bentuk, ruang dan susunan nya.
Read more >SWACASA (PT. Swacasa Widyaloka Cipta) is a property design-build and development company that provides design-build, contractor, and house-flipping services, as well as the provision of modern/contemporary design landed houses. SWACASA is a property design-build and development company that offers several property-related services. SWACASA stands for 'rumah sendiri' and we always believe that #AnakMudaBisaPunyaRumah. We have a big vision to help Indonesian youths to afford their first home by providing various services such as architectural & interior services, contractor services, and design-build services at millennial-friendly budget and it best quality. We have several completed-design projects such as residential, office, and commercial in Bandung, Padang, and Purwakarta. We also ready to help the landowners or real estate brokers who found it difficult to sell their product (property) by redevelopment/remodeling to make this product more attractive in the secondary property market.
Read more >KARANI are a multidisiplinary architecture & interior studio that consist a conceptual process, space planning, material selection, site supervision and interior production. KARANI believe that the architecture design is inseparable from the bond between the building and the environment condition. We emphasize environmental issues as a reference in the design process in order to create a quality architectural design and function as part of everyday human life. Our work always follows clients' needs, listens to their problems and unites vision to seek solutions through architectural design. KARANI also believe that the architectural design should depict the character of the owner of the building as a form of the unity of the soul between the building and the human who lives in it. We look forward to every opportunity to work with you and realize what you dream into a real and perceived design.
Read more >IPD is a creative studio formed by young architects specialized in architecture and visual representation. This two pilars complement each other as a part of a single project. What is it that makes a project unique and different from the rest? With this theme we started developing our work, capturing by an illustration the sensations, emotions, environments and atmospheres that characterize each project. Through materiality, light and visual approach we emphasize the values of architecture, achieving a direct interaction between the project and the observer. instagram:
Read more >We are a visual story teller team. We are currating your story into a interesting concept, we narrate it into your space which will be real.
Read more >Saachi Studio adalah perusahaan konsultan desain interior berbasis di Jakarta Selatan yang didirikan pada tahun 2019. Kami fokus pada memberikan solusi desain interior yang inovatif dan berkualitas untuk klien mereka. Tim profesional kami memiliki pengalaman dan keahlian dalam berbagai jenis proyek desain interior, seperti rumah, apartemen, kantor, hotel, dan lain-lain. Saachi Studio menawarkan layanan yang menyeluruh, mulai dari konsep desain hingga pengadaan bahan dan pemasangan. Kami berkoordinasi dengan klien untuk memastikan bahwa hasil akhir sesuai dengan keinginan dan gaya hidup klien. Dengan mengedepankan penggunaan teknologi terbaru dan material berkualitas, kami menghasilkan desain yang unik dan tahan lama. Saachi Studio memiliki filosofi desain yang mendasar, yaitu untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang nyaman, estetis, dan fungsional bagi penghuninya. Kami berusaha untuk memahami kebutuhan dan preferensi klien untuk menghasilkan hasil desain yang sesuai dengan gaya hidup klien. Dengan dedikasi dan komitmen yang tinggi untuk memberikan layanan terbaik, Saachi Studio memiliki banyak klien yang puas dan terus menjadi mitra setia dalam berbagai proyek desain interior di Jakarta Selatan dan sekitarnya.
Read more >Ong.architects merupakan studio Arsitektur yang bermarkas di Bandung, sejak tahun 2022. Berfokus pada desain yang trendy dan digemari anak muda, menjadi salah satu keunikan yang dimiliki oleh tim ong.architects. Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan Desain Exterior| Desain Interior| Design and Build Lingkup lokasi pelayanan Design : Seluruh Indonesia | Build: Bandung, Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tanggerang, Bekasi
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