DnA'rch Team Management are consultant and contractor architecture since November,2015. with our dedication, 'we Design, we Natural and we Appreciate". Our Dedication is to serve with originality and high quality design. we really appreciate an on-time service to serve our customer
Read more >Studio SAYA is an architecture & interior design studio based in Tangerang, Indonesia. Founded in 2018, our studio specializes mainly in residential projects, ranging from apartment units, houses, villas to residential housing master plans. We call our design ethos poetic functionalism, a blend of technical functionality & poetic explorations of space, details, & materials. Studio SAYA’s design process is an open dialogue between us & our clients, allowing an interactive flow of ideas between the two sides. Our association with several professional structure engineers, landscape architects, lighting & electrical consultants, as well as builders & contractors, will also help realize your project in the most optimal way. Whether it is a house, a villa, or a hotel, our ultimate goal would be to design projects for our clients, where its occupants would comfortably stay in and look forward to coming back to & happily live in.
Read more >atwork is an integrated, innovative, and smart solution that creates a dynamic activity based environment.We are a solution provider that facilitates the transformation with the products of officeart for working place with integrated system furniture, @twork in digital products such as Information Communication Technology Products, LCD / LED Displays and Multimedia Products.In addition, we also provides work-life improvement products such as Monitor Arms & Mobility Displays, and Electrical Hub Modules.
Read more >B.G. Construction merupakan Jasa Desain yang menawarkan pelayanan meliputi Desain Interior, Desain Arsitektur, Fit-Out Interior, dan Pekerjaan Sipil (Konstruksi). Kami berkomitmen untuk merealisasikan visi yang dari desain impian klien. Kami juga terlibat dengan mitra dan subkontraktor yang dapat diandalkan serta memberikan wawasan dan layanan yang berharga. Kami yakin bahwa kepercayaan adalah aspek utama dalam membangun hubungan antara kontraktor dan klien. Oleh karena itu, kami menyediakan layanan profesional untuk memberikan hasil maksimal bagi kualitas konstruksi bangunan. Komitmen kami terbukti dengan fakta bahwa sebagian besar pelanggan kami adalah pelanggan yang kembali dari proyek sebelumnya (Repeating Customers).
Read more >ISWARA Studio bergerak di arsitektur & Interior Design yang berlokasi di Jakarta Barat sejak 2019, Speciality kami fokus kepada Residential (Rumah, Apartment, Kostan, Kamar) , Restaurant, Kantor. Konsep kami adalah menciptakan ruangan yang nyaman dan fungsional dengan serta menjadi teman diskusi owner untuk mewujudkan design design yang di inginkan. :)
Read more >ADEA Studio concerns to create functional, aesthetic, simple and efficient design to answer the challenge of space needs. We strive to provide responsive user centered design solutions which is aimed at achieving space optimization to support users activities and also to create a good living experience by exploring ideas through color, texture, material and natural elements.
Read more >General Contractor
Read more >JW Consultant is an architectural and interior design consultant company based in Jakarta. Our aim is to create an architecture that is as unique and specific as our clients. We dwell on the social aspects of a 'living', such as culture, lifestyle, and habits, which inherently govern how human interact with its surrounding. As a result, every design and solution is different and unique to its own inhabitant, striving to paint the person into their house, creating a home as a reflection of its owner. "Home is not where you live, but where they understand you" Christian Morgenstern
Read more >Suba architect adalah wadah/sahabat yang TEPAT guna menjawab kebutuhan desain & pelaksanaan baik bangunan maupun interior anda. Kami profesional bidang arsitektur, interior & konstruksi di dukung dengan tenaga ahli serta pengalaman dalam berkarya. Kami mendesain menghadirkan suasana dan nuansa ruang yang berkarakter, berestetika dalam karsa, cipta & karya untuk kebutuhan ruang-ruang anda. Jenis Layanan yang di tawarkan : Desain & Rancang Bangun Rumah tinggal l Ruko & Rukan l Cottages l Villa l Apartment, Perkantoran l Hotel dan unit bangunan lainya
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