StudioKAS+ founding in 2015, StudioKAS+ has remained committed to the notion of architecture as a form of sculptural art. The search for form is a preoccupation of the design approach. Distinct forms, pure shapes and clear lines form the basis of the StudioKAS+ design language. StudioKAS+ explores architecture as an inter-disciplinary craft that combines the elusive beauty of art and the building technology. KAS+ has done numerous projects, built and unbuilt. While the smaller projects offer insights into aspects of material and detailing, the larger ones provide opportunities to probe issues of scale and form. The studio continues to develop a style of architecture that is abstract and use that knowledge along with contemporary thinking. StudioKAS+ approach to design often arises from a counter-intuitive response to site and programme. Operating in a studio-like setting, StudioKAS+ is built around a small group of individuals, each with a particular expertise in the separate aspects of the practice. StudioKAS+ believes that the execution of architecture is essentially a collaborative effort and a synthesis of various talents.
Read more >Kami menerima desain and build, untuk pekerjaan Sipill, interior, perkantoran dan rumahan
Read more >DeLIMA Studio provides design and build services for Architecture & Interior Work. We established in 2012, settled in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Our service not only covers Jakarta, but all across Indonesia. We focus on the aesthetics, practicality, and budget implementation in each of our project. We have worked for our clients in various projects such as home, office, restaurant, fashion store, travel agent, aesthetic clinic, etc.
Read more >Archibox Studio Melayani jasa Design pekerjaan (Rumah, Kantor, Interior, Masjid dan Lain-lain) Kepuasan CLIENT merupakan prioritas Utama kami. Visit Our Instagram profile @Archibox_Studio Melayani Jasa Konsultasi perancangan dan Perencanaan
Read more >PT Bintang Konstruksi merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang design and build sejak tahun 2012. Lingkup jasa kami merangkul berbagai bidang mulai dari jasa design arsitektur, interior, hingga jasa konstruksi. Dilengkapi dengan anggota tim yang handal di bidangnya masing-masing, PT. Bintang Konstruksi siap menjadi solusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan Anda. Berpusat di Jakarta dan Bekasi, P.T. Bintang Konstruksi siap menangani proyek di seluruh pulau Jawa dan Bali, baik untuk bangunan residensial, komersial, hingga industrial.
Read more >Lighting Design General, Special and dynamic Lighting Design, Supply and Installation
Read more >Profesional Arsitektur dan Kontraktor Kami menyediakan layanan jasa rancang bangun arsitektur yang meliputi kegiatan Perencanaan (Desain/Gambar, RAB, Analisis Struktur) dan Pelaksanaan (Kontraktor). Kami menekuni bidang ini sejak tahun 2009, dan selama ini kami sudah banyak menangani proyek Perencanaan-Pelaksanaan bangunan, baik rumah tinggal, kos-kosan, ruko, hotel, kantor, tempat ibadah(masjid), gudang, maupun pabrik.
Read more >PT. Gloria Indo Prima adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kontraktor interior design and build untuk commercial dan residential. Commercial : shop/store, restaurant/cafe, office. residential : house/townhouse, apartment, ruko, etc. Pekerjaan kami meliputi : sipil, furniture, MEP (mechanical, electrical & plumbing). Kami dapat membantu mewujudkan keinginan client melalui jasa dan products dari kami. "IT'S ABOUT MAKING IDEAS HAPPEN". GIP memiliki team yang professional dan ber integritas. Visi dan misi kami adalah kepuasan client paling utama. Karena itu, kami selalu mengedepankan kebutuhan dan keinginan client kami.
Read more >Penta Lima jasa desain and bulit Perorangan yang di kerjakan oleh beberapa tim profesional baik desain maupun pembangunan / pelaksanaan. Penta Lima sudah mengerjakan beberapa project baik Desain maupun Pelaksanaan diantaranya Rumah, Ruko, Cafe, dll baik interior maupun bangunan keseluruhan.
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