Menjadi Seorang Interior Designer dan 3D Visualizer. Telah lebih dari 200 Design kami yang telah di terima dan dinikmati Customers sejak 2010, Mulai dari design rumah, restaurant, Apartment, Office, Tempat Gym, BarberShop dll. untuk semua solusi interior Customers.
Read more >M I D S T Interiors is Jakarta based Interior Design Studio, experienced in luxurious residential, office and café for private clients and corporate. Our mission is to help translating your dream spaces into reality by creating timeless yet beautiful and comfortable space, through our talented designers whom have experienced in Singapore and Indonesia for several years. We strongly believe each project has its own character, and good design should evolve through based on research and collaboration between client, designers and all party involves. Attention to detail, proportions, and specifications should be developed within the concept.
Read more >"Nadiza Architect merupakan studio jasa arsitek, desain interior serta kontraktor arsitektur dan interior (design n build), yang mana memiliki semangat dan visi misi sejalan, didukung oleh team professional dan berpengalaman dari team perencana hingga team konstruksi. Studio kami dapat mengembangkan berbagai inovasi dalam mewujudkan impian properti anda, baik dari sisi arsitektur maupun konstruksi. Nadiza Architect menyediakan jasa desain arsitek, desain interior dan konstruksi seperti rumah, villa, ruko, perumahan, apartemen maupun kantor dll. Studio kami dapat menyesuaikan kebutuhan anda dengan berbagai style anda seperti desain rumah modern, minimalis, tropis, klasik, industrial dll."
Read more >Iswandi Adam Takbir memiliki minat, impian & kegemeran dalam dunia arsitektur maupun interior, dibantu 1 Kawan Kamal Bahri yang memiliki bakat disegala bidang seni terbentuklah Adamt & Partners Architects Tahun 2018
Read more >PT. Infinispeed Mahakarya Konstruksi is a company engaged in consulting, design and construction services. Covers buildings (implementing services for residential building construction and implementing services for construction of other buildings) and civil buildings. With the experience we have gone through, supported by competent human resources in their fields, we continue to grow because of the trust of our clients and the totality that we devote to producing the best works
Read more >Professional architect with classical style architecture specialization.
Read more >Aurava Design merupakan studio arsitek yang berlokasi di Tangerang. Fokus Aurava adalah desain arsitektur dan Interior. Aurava memiliki dasar perancangan ‘Creating Space, Making a Place’, yang artinya bahwa setiap perancangan yang dibuat, akan memberi dampak bagi pengguna ruang tersebut dan menjadikan ruang tersebut memiliki nilai tambah untuk menciptakan aktivitas yang sustainable
Read more >Leicht Kitchen is Germany manufacture for Kitchen set and pantry cabinets established in 1993 as LEICHT Kuchen. In indonesia itself we hold the brand under our company name PT. Karya Mitra Bestari located in Kemang Utara 23 street, South Jakarta. We have numerous and wide range of kitchen set programmes and surfaces choice. We are ready to assist your need for best and proffesional kitchen set designs and do.
Read more >Based on our services (design and furniture manufacturer) for our foreign market in USA, UK, and Dubai for 12 years, we start doing a local project by early year of 2016 with a residence project in Surabaya. So many references from our clients make our designs and products have their own "soul" and style. We believe that our capability and capacity will meet the requirement from our future clients.
Read more >PT. Leeyaqat Karya Pratama is a company engaged in architectural design and interior design in Indonesia and has branches in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. We provide design services and build services for aspects of your home.We have Architects in different countries who have more than 10 years of experience and have designed more than 400 homes in various countries, and are very professional and prioritize client comfort and satisfaction
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