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Read more >WHYY is architecture & interior design practice based in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara. Founded in 2017 by Imanuel Willy and Yuki Yohanna, that is dedicated to creating timeless, unique and personal projects with integrity, intelligence and flair. Committed to client satisfication, we pride ourselves on listening to our client to completely understand their project needs and goals, so every dream becomes reality. We do our best to help you create spaces that are elegant, comfortable, functional and fun.
Read more >Studioakhdan, adalah studio yang berfokus pada desain arsitektur dengan penggunaan konsep pendekatan minimalism fungsional. Kami menyadari bahwa dewasa ini lahan yang berada disekeliling kita semakin menipis, maka dari itu kami mencoba untuk mengolah bagaimana studio design ini dapat bermanfaat bagi klien jauh dari itu dapat mengakomodir setiap lahan yang dimiliki oleh klien secara maksimal.
Read more >Mendekor is here to help you turn your dream spaces into reality, from residential to commercial. Our complete services including consultation, design development, furniture design and construction. We believe that great design is not just appealing to the eyes, but also need to be functional and share positive vibes to the users. Our team is composed of highly trained, experienced and passionate people, who will deliver an optimum and first class service to our clients.
Read more >Previously known as Parametr Indonesia, Parametr Rupacita is the new evolution of our brand. We, Parametrian, work to create high quality architecture designs that try meet our clients’ needs and taste. Parametr Rupacita is led by our Principal, Harun Wisaksono. Together with our promising young Indonesian architects, we strive to create better living for our clients and design users. Parametr Indonesia was established on 20 September 2009 by its three Founding Partners. Its embryo was started from a boutique workshop and with high confidence that promotes professional practices in architecture world. The Founding Partners are professional architects with experiences working at internationally and regionally renowned architecture firms and projects. Parametr Rupacita is based in Jakarta and continuously serves wide range of clients, both regionally and internationally, for business and private design projects. Parametr Rupacita works have been very diversed, with portfolios that cover residential, office, hospitality, education, and retail projects. They have been widely covered and acknowledged by national and international media. Our unique personality has always been reflected in our designs that matched our enthusiasm to bring people experience into highest level with our design, in our every project and for all of our clients. We believe our work can create a better world for all. Instagram : @parametr.rupacita
Read more >Studio Slenpan terbentuk pada tahun 2016 melalui pemikiran bersama dari 5 arsitek muda. Masing-masing anggota bermula dari latar belakang yang berbeda dengan pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun. Baik di perusahaan konsultan, pengembang, dan arsitek lepas. Pada tahun 2016, setelah bekerja bersama di beberapa proyek lepas, kami memutuskan untuk meresmikan studio dengan satu visi, ide, dan metode profesional untuk menjalankan praktik arsitektur. Nama "Slenpan" tak bermakna khusus, menyingkat sesuatu, atau pun berasal dari bahasa asing. Nama ini dipilih berdasarkan 3 konsep. Nama tersebut harus pendek, mudah diucapkan, dan tidak menyerupai nama lain. Idenya adalah memicu pertanyaan yang akan terjawab melalui praktik kami. Studio Slenpan menyediakan layanan konsultan arsitektur, interior, serta desain grafis. Contoh-contoh karya kami dapat dilihat dan ditinjau dalam portofolio ini.
Read more >I'm Interior Designer & Kontraktor since 1996. Offer Designer & Kontraktor for Apartemen, House, Office, Cafe, Restaurant, Exhibition, Bedroom, TV Cabinet Etc.
Read more >Monokroma adalah biro konsultan arsitektur yang berdiri sejak 2013. Didirikan oleh Ari Widio Prihananto sebagai prinsipal yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 17 tahun sebagai arsitek, kami ingin menjadi mitra Anda dalam mewujudkan rumah / bangunan impian Anda. Kami percaya setiap project memiliki cerita yang dapat menjadikannya unik dan spesial. Kami terlatih untuk mendesain tempat yang nyaman untuk Anda tinggali, efisien dalam proses pembangunan dan pemeliharaannya, serta tentu saja memiliki tampilan yang estetis.
Read more >Buana Padang Gumilang (BPG) is an Indonesia-based architecture practice, established in 2014. BPG is focused on integrated design for architectural, interior, lighting to furniture design, audio visual and multimedia system, acoustic treatment for sound quality and sound proofing. BPG is interested in creative solutions to face the problems, how to create diverse and delightful spaces; how to create the quality of sounds that can enhance the experience and have an impact on how people behave in the space; how do we make spaces meaningful and loved; Our goal We come up with a simple framework to solve the problem or fulfill the client needs in construction industry. Our Core Values We take out values acutely in result. BPG has policies and procedures to make sure that we do our best. I. Efficiency An efficient time and budget is what every client dreams of. We strive on every levels with careful strategic planning along with our productive management. 2. Quality We believe that quality is one of the values that matters in projects competition. We dedicates ourselves to bring values in every project. This begins with our provision of quality materials.
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