Architect Engineer Lab Studio specializing in building Villas, Private Houses, Town House, Cottages & Developing Resort areas
Read more >A3 is a multi-disciplinary team based in Jakarta, Indonesia. We offers total design solutions, including architectural design, interior design, lighting and construction. We continually stribe to enrich people's lives through providing creative, comfortable, energy efficient design solution as we strongly believe A3 work seeks to be timeless, unique and personal. Good design is about helping clients meet their needs and objectives. Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan DesainInterior| build and construct| pekerjaan kayu| fit out interior| Lighting| Arsitek Sertifikasi Show more >
Read more >Kami adalah biro arsitektur dan interior design yang terintegrasi all-in dari design, konstruksi sampai finishing
Read more >Architect Indomegah is one of Indonesia's leading COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURE firm by creating iconic designs through commercial thinking. Indomegah is one of the TOP 10 architecture firms in Indonesia according to BCI ASIA (2005-2018)
Read more >2 tahun berpengalaman di bidang kontraktor sipil 2 tahun di pengelola gedung bertingkat tinggi 4 tahun di konsultan interior 1 tahun jadi konsultan sipil dan arsitek di konsultan dari amerika 3 tahun jadi konsultan sipil, arsitek dan interior di perusahaan otomotif internasional 1 tahun di developer
Read more >Sony Budiono adalah arsitek senior berpengalaman yang berdomisili di Jakarta. Sony Budiono adalah lulusan Fakultas Teknik Arsitektur dari Universitas Taruma Negara tahun 1994. Sony Budiono memulai karir nya sebagai project architect di Ciputra Development tahun 1995-1998. Berbekal 3 tahun pengalaman nya sebagai profesional, pada tahun 1999 Sony Budiono mendirikan biro arsitek Sony Budiono & Partner Architect Firm yang berkedudukan di Jakarta. Sejak tahun 1999 banyak proyek-proyek properti yang telah dikerjakan oleh Sony Budiono Architect Firm Sony Budiono banyak menelurkan banyak desain arsitek yang sebagian besar digunakan oleh Hotel, Villa dan Residensial papan atas khusus nya di wilayah Jabodetabek. Selain itu banyak pula proyek-proyek properti yang sudah dikerjakan oleh Sony Budiono Architect Firm di luar Jabodetabek seperti di Bali, Makasar, Batam, dan kota-kota besar lainnya di Indonesia. Sony Budiono Architect Firm Sony Budiono selalu meng-update dengan model-model desain arsitektur terbaru sehingga karya yang dihasilkan lebih up to date lagi salah satu nya dengan memberi kesempatan pada anggota team untuk belajar dan mengikuti banyak seminar baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
Read more >Infrastructure is a strong platform to support and sustain economic growth in Indonesia. The area of Indonesia, which covers around 1,919,440 square kilometers, consists of five main islands and about 30 small archipelagoes, totaling about 17,508 islands, with a population of over 254 million people. Oneness Group is an Interior Design, Architecture, Furniture, and Contractor Development Service Provider. Oneness is built by experienced professionals in their fields to fulfill the needs of the community. Our Vision: Create Design & Build of Your Dream Buildings, Solving Problems, & Providing Solutions Our Mission: 1. Improve The Quality Of Work 2. Provide The Best Solutions & Services 3. Build Trust In Customers 4. Be On Time And With Integrity 5. Quick Response To Relations
Read more >Archwork - Konsultan Arsitektur di Jakarta Selatan yang telah mengerjakan desain Arsitektur dan Interior untuk beragam tipe bangunan dan di beberapa lokasi di Indonesia. Dari rumah tinggal menengah, townhouse hingga luxury residence, apartment, hotel, office tower, hingga villa dan resort. Konsep desain yang kami tawarkan adalah konsep desain arsitektur yang spesifik sesuai user dan lokasi, sehingga desain kami akan berbeda satu dengan yang lain dari sisi program ruang, bentuk dan detailnya. Deangan pendekatan ini, desain yang kami kerjakan adalah desain yang berfungsi (sesuai user dan lokasi), design that works ...that us, archwork.
Read more >Wegig Pangauban was born in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 1978. He graduated from the Gajah Mada University, in 1997-2002 with an Architecture degree. He started his architectural career as a Designer at Grahacipta Hadiprana in Jakarta from 2003-2010,project concerned are on hotels ,offices , concert hall and several public buildings . After 7 years of professional experiences on design with Hadiprana, in the mid of 2011 he join with PAI /Tom Elliott focusing on Hermitage Hotel Jakarta project as Project Architect. During his working for 7 months , he got an opportunity to join Accor Hotel International as Design Manager to be assigned to manage hotel design in Indonesia ,Singapore & Malaysia from 2011 to 2013 After 10 years working on design expertise for hotel interior design and architecture , He started build his own company Wisma Paramasiddha, PT Interior Design and Architecture Studio located in Jalan Ampera Raya 19 Kemang Jakarta Selatan. Some projects has been accomplished with good appreciation, they are Marriot Courtyard Hotel in Nusa Dua Bali, Aruna Hotel in Lombok , Midtown Hotel in Samarinda , Hotel Grandhika Adhikarya , Marriott Pool Bar and Restaurant Nusa Dua, Radisson Hotel Fasade in Batam ,Global Sevilla School Pulo Mas Jakarta ,and some houses in Jakarta .Now some other more projects of hotels, restaurant, apartment, convention, mall, office, school, houses are committed to be completed in the future
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