SEIN Studio merupakan jasa desain arsitektural dan interior yang mengedepankan fungsi dan nilai estetis sehingga menghasilkan karya seni yang berbeda-beda dari setiap client yang ditangani. Kami mengedepankan gaya desain yang simple dan minimalis.
Read more >Mengerjakan desain arsitektur, interior, furniture dan desain grafis
Read more >Lineamarca is a full service architecturedesign firm based in Jakarta. The firm was founded in 2009. The firm’s current portfolio, which is based on principal’s involvement in past projects, includes wide spectrum of projects ranging from master planning, mixed use development, shopping center, office, cultural, building with specific purpose and interior. The firm has undertaken and completed numerous projects which gives the experience and confidence to handle such work both nationally andinternationally. Our professional, talented and visioned team has ensured the firm’s success in providing innovative solutions to complex problems. Principal’s intimate involvement with client in engaging a project is the firm’s commitment towards producing design excellence for all of our clients.
Read more >Graduated in Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture of Tarumanagara University in 1995, Major in Design and Sub-Major in Interior Design. Resided and Worked over 8 years in Singapore with significant Project as The New City Campus Lasalle-SIA. Back for good in 2008, self-employed with his team to set up and established his studio: daksaja architects and planners (dA+p) until the present day. With the ample experience of years in the industry dA+p numerously has produced many Architecture and Interior Projects across the Archipelago and the Region. Associate Partner in Singapore: BBFL Pte Ltd, Associate Partner in Construction: PT Star Kreasi Vice of Treasurer of Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) period 2015-2018 of National Committee the Winner of 2008 Futurarch competition in Australia Site, Kurilpa point , South Brisbane, AU the Winner of 2010 Design for Villa Trimas Mayang Jaya in Cisarua, Puncak, West Java, Indonesia 2017 Colorbond Award as Juror
Read more >Studio SAYA is an architecture & interior design studio based in Tangerang, Indonesia. Founded in 2018, our studio specializes mainly in residential projects, ranging from apartment units, houses, villas to residential housing master plans. We call our design ethos poetic functionalism, a blend of technical functionality & poetic explorations of space, details, & materials. Studio SAYA’s design process is an open dialogue between us & our clients, allowing an interactive flow of ideas between the two sides. Our association with several professional structure engineers, landscape architects, lighting & electrical consultants, as well as builders & contractors, will also help realize your project in the most optimal way. Whether it is a house, a villa, or a hotel, our ultimate goal would be to design projects for our clients, where its occupants would comfortably stay in and look forward to coming back to & happily live in.
Read more >Salam Interior, Setiap orang menyukai Keindahan, membutuhkan Kenyamanan, dan menginginkan Keserasian. Kami dari Tim D’Project Interior, hadir untuk membantu Anda mewujudkan keinginan Anda untuk membuat setiap sisi dari ruangan Anda memiliki fungsi dengan Design Style yang Anda inginkan dan Touch of Art yang akan kami lakukan. *Jasa kami meliputi Desain Ruangan :+ Rumah+ Kantor+ Apartemen+ Hotel+ Cafe+ Restoran+ Kitchenset+ Dll Kami juga melayani pembuatan Desain 3D Interior, 3D Model, 3D Realistic Render. Bagi Anda yang ingin membuat Desain Ruangan dari Awal ataupun ingin merenovasi desain ruangan Anda yang lama, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami : D’Project Interior (Design & Build)Telp/WA:081284997793 / Kami siap membantu Anda dengan semua kemampuan yang kami miliki dalam bidang interior.
Read more >Kami Arsitek design and build, yang mengusung konsep minimalis green house, fokus kami adalah tetap menampilkan design dengan mengadopsi konsep green house
Read more >Gohte Architects is an architectural consulting firm established in 2015. We are incorporating a wide range of architectural and interior designs. We believe in clean design that integrate nature space into your building with architectural and interior solution.
Read more >Sejak 2012 hingga sekarang, Artha Gilberte adalah perusahaan desain dengan konsep kreatif, yang menyediakan jasa arsitektur, kontraktor, supplier, desain eksterior & interior. Artha Gilberte memulai karirnya dari Australia, dan dilanjutkan hingga ke Singapore & Indonesia, mendapatkan pengalaman kerja dengan berbagai macam proyek dan klien yang berbeda.
Read more >Established in 2013, Anantara that consist of 3 division design project, Architectural, Interior design, and Contructions. Motto : "build with coffee"
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