To build your dream home, you need to find us first. IG :
Read more >Abyakta adalah perusahaan lanskap yang secara legal berdiri pada tahun 2019. Kami terdiri atas tim profesional yang berpengalaman dan memiliki keahlian yang beragam sehingga membuat kami lebih handal dalam berbagai skenario project. Pengalaman kami telah teruji mulai dari pekerjaan skala mikro seperti desain lanskap taman rumah sampai dengan skala makro seperti perencanaan wisata di taman nasional. Kunjungi website kami
Read more >Atelier BAOU is an architecture and interior design studio based in Tangerang, Indonesia. It was founded in 2017 by enthusiastic young architects. Atelier BAOU always give special design with innovative , simple, and contemporary to contribute Indonesian architecture. We welcome client input at all stages of a project. As a studio, we are quickly and decisively responsive to our clients, flexibly adjusting our processes to suit each client and project. We design to build comfort and better building design. Forms and spaces are no mere objective, they are developed from the processes, demands and cultural contexts of each project. We consider our client service to include not only design excellence, but also the successful, efficient and good delivery of completed projects. We partner with our clients throughout the full design and construction process, ensuring the client experience is as best as possible.
Read more >Architect is About the idea and Design should be Presented with owner so we can built their dreams with help of Architect
Read more >We are ODA, we design and create architectural spaces for Housing, Commercial, Urbanism, Public Space, and Public buildings. Our team has an educational background in architecture, urban design, civil engineering, graphic design, and other expertise. We believe that collaboration is an important thing in design practice. We have one dream that connects all of us, and this one dream brings us to a better future. What dream? We dream to create a better people, planet, and profit through architecture and urban design.
Read more >an Architect, who interest in modern and tropical styles. Have experiences for concept design and architectural drawing, and have good knowledges in project construction. Worked in hotel project speciality for 4 years, housing project for a year, and now focusing more in cafe and retail project. Willing to learn another function or style of building. a Good Listener and easy to discuss what owners/ clients need.
Read more >As a consultant and contractor We realize your dream invest is the comfort of your life with our services
Read more >SUSUN RUANG Mewujudkan Impian Melalui Desain dan Bangun Kami di SUSUN RUANG percaya bahwa setiap ruang memiliki potensi untuk menjadi luar biasa. Sebagai perusahaan desain dan bangun yang berbasis di KARAWANG, kami berdedikasi untuk mewujudkan impian klien kami melalui desain yang inovatif dan konstruksi berkualitas tinggi. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam industri ini, kami telah membangun reputasi sebagai pemimpin dalam menciptakan solusi desain yang memukau dan ruang yang fungsional. Dari pembangunan rumah tinggal hingga proyek komersial, setiap langkah kami didorong oleh keahlian teknis yang tinggi dan komitmen terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Apa yang membedakan kami adalah pendekatan holistik kami terhadap setiap proyek. Kami percaya bahwa desain yang sukses membutuhkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang kebutuhan dan aspirasi klien. Itulah sebabnya kami bekerja erat dengan setiap klien untuk menciptakan solusi yang unik, reflektif, dan menginspirasi. Kami menawarkan berbagai layanan termasuk konsultasi, desain arsitektur, desain interior, manajemen proyek, dan konstruksi. Setiap langkah proyek diawasi secara cermat oleh tim ahli kami untuk memastikan hasil akhir yang memenuhi harapan dan melebihi ekspektasi. Jika Anda mencari mitra yang andal untuk mewujudkan visi desain dan konstruksi Anda, Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk memulai perjalanan menuju ruang yang Anda impikan.
Read more >At Mimo home we have a passion for design and home decor, having used interior designers locally and internationally in the past we came to the conclusion we could approach interior design in a different way. Our goal is to design a home which revolves around your wants and needs and not our need to pad our portfolio. We aim to spend where it represents the best value to our client in the longer term. You are unique and your home should be too. There are common home decor designs that most people can appreciate, we believe that is the start and not the end of the design journey. We want to know what works for you and how we can personalize your home to make it a bit more special. Kindest Regards, Morina & Derek
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