A perfect and convenience space will provide you with pleasure and enjoyment in whatever you do, either working or relaxing even spending quality time the love ones and entertain business partners is such a proud moment or even a dream for one self to have. We, 4Linked Architect, is a company formed in 2008, result with plenty of precious experience in designing and all its application who could fulfill you requirements & implements your dream. We will serve you in all aspects of design, include consulting, planning, implementing and evaluating on most of your need, such as : Commercial & Residential Interior Design Office, Restaurant, Housing, Apartment , etc. Building & Exterior Design Housing, Office, villa, etc. Landscape & Public Space Garden, Club House, etc. Our commitment is to complete every work and task on time, within budget and to fulfill standard that represent value for money Thank you for your attention and we are looking forward to having a good and mutually beneficial relationship with you.
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Lihat project saya >DND is leading interior design specializes in restaurant and bar, retail, commercial, hospitality, office & residential interior design.DND was established in 2015 and located in Jakarta – Indonesia. With design team, DND strives to achieve clients need with comprehensive solutions, to produce innovative and functional design, within the budget and time line schedule. Follow IG @dnddesignstudio
Read more >PT. MANDA TAMA OKSA, Merupakan perusahaan design & building developer yang sudah berpengalaman dalam membentuk Real Estate, WareHouse, fasilitas publik seperti ruang terbuka hijau, kantin, masjid, dan yayasan. Serta bangunan komersial seperti Cafe dan Booth untuk produk F&B. Berawal dari didirikannya OS STUDIO ARCHITECT yang bergerak di bidang jasa konsultan arsitek (Interior, Eksterior, dan Furniture). Kemudian berkembang menjadi PT. MANDA TAMA OKSA dengan dukungan kerja sama tim dan tenaga-tenaga profesional yang memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 Tahun di bidang konstruksi. Hingga saat ini PT. MANDA TAMA OKSA Menaungi MITRA GLASS sebagai penyedia kaca dan alumunium. serta BANGUNAN SEMPURNA untuk menjawab kebutuhan sipil bangunan. "Enjoy Your Plan" merupakan tagline kami, dimana PT MANDA TAMA OKSA selalu mengedepankan kenyamanan client dalam mengungkapkan rencana bangunan yang diinginkan dan mewujudkan secara profesional.
Read more >DP+HS Architects is Jakarta-based architectural and interior design consultant which emerged in 2008 under the name of ‘[2+P] Architects’, before finally established as ‘DP+HS Architects’ in 2014. The practice led by two young architects who shares common design philosophy, Don Pieto and Henny Suwardi. They believe architecture is culmination of art which manifested in form that meets its function, their design approach emphasized in putting together shape, light, material, as well as technology, to define any given space, in order to create spatial experiences. Since each of every project is unique on its own way, they always try to come up with different ideas each time they assigned to a project, while still maintain their modern architectural language.
Read more >desingn dan bangun baru bangunan gedung,pabrik,ruko dan perumahan bidang sipil dan kontruksi , siap kerja di luar kota maupun luar pulau,,,berpengalaman lebih dari 30 thn di bidang bangunan...
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Lihat project saya >Bomu Architect berdiri sejak Maret 2018, Bomu Architect menyediakan jasa desain arsitektur dan interior. kami akan selalu berusaha memberikan layanan terbaik kepada klien, tidak hanya dari perspektif desain, tetapi juga dalam menjaga klien terlibat dalam proyek kami untuk memastikan kepuasan klien. Kami dalam menyelesaikan setiap proyek, akan mengerjakan dengan maksimal sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang melebihi harapan klien.
Read more >Bergerak dibidang Arsitektur & Interior Desain (rumah,kantor,ruko,hotel,apartemen dll)
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