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Lihat project saya >Archipelago is an Architecture, Interior Design and Construction company established by a group of passionate, creative and professional individuals. We offer the best solution to the entire fit out, interior and renovation project. From designing, planning to completion we are your single point of contact. Whether you are seeking a ‘Traditional Build’ approach where we work with your chosen team of designers, or you prefer to appoint us on a ‘Design and Build’ basis, we have the skills and resources to manage your fit-out successfully. With more than 5 years experience, we have assembled the best creative, technical and commercial talent. Our clients will be appointed a dedicated project team who will assess your space and develop design plan that works for your organisation now and well into the future. Our team will manage your fit out project, budget and speed of delivery to ensure you receive the most cost effective project solution.
Read more >McKingley + Team Architects is based in South East Asia with offices in Jakarta, Sydney, Singapore and China. MTA is a unique blend of foreign and local architects and designers. With this mix MTA understands the local conditions for projects within South East Asia while maintaining a competitive international standard of design. MTA uses detailed market analysis as a guiding principle informing their designs. Environmental sustainability is a key principle - designing projects which respond to a climate and adapt to the environmental conditions to help to reduce energy loads. Thus creating sustainable and successful projects for clients and users. For more information please visit our website at
Read more >Lombok Axis Architect memulai karyanya sejak tahun 2010. Lombok Axis Architects pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Dione Prihandono. Lombok Axis Architects telah banyak mendesain di wilayah Bali, Lombok, Kuala Lumpur dan Palembang. Lombok Axis Architects atau juga dikenal dengan L-Axis Architects juga membuka cabang di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Kami Memberikan yang terbaik dan dengan segala daya upaya untuk menjadi partner dalam berkarya mewujudkan impian anda menjadi nyata.
Read more >Despaceign is architecture and interior firm, created by Dinda Baki since 2016. This studio has completed retail projects and residential concept mostly in Jakarta area. We are running the project starts from the design concept until the design is built.
Read more >CV. STRATA ARCHITECT CONSULTANT “STARCONS” adalah Rekanan perusahaan swasta nasional yang berdiri pada tanggal 08 Januari 2008, dengan tujuan untuk turut berpartisipasi melaksanakan pembangunan nasional dibidang Jasa Konsultansi Teknik Arsitektur dan Teknik Sipil (Konstruksi dan Non Konstruksi). Pada awal pendiriannya, CV. STRATA ARCHITECT CONSULTANT bergerak dalam bidang Jasa Konsultansi Teknik Konstruksi Dan Non Konstruksi. Sejalan dengan tenaga profesional, tenaga teknisi yang ada, maka CV. STRATA ARCHITECT CONSULTANT (STARCONS) mendorong untuk memperluas bidang layanan seperti Jasa Survey, Investigasi Teknik, Manajemen Konstruksi, Manajemen Proyek, Perencanaan Umum, Studi Kelayakan, Jasa Penelitian dan Jasa bantuan & Nasehat Teknik. Di samping itu kami juga mengadakan kerjasama dengan perusahaan Konsultan lain baik dari pusat maupun daerah melalui wadah PERKINDO (Persatuan Konsultan Indonesia), hal ini dimaksudkan untuk lebih meningkatkan, mutu jasa yang diinginkan oleh Pemberi Tugas (Owner) atau pemakai jasa kami.
Read more >Architectur-Interior, Design Consultant & Interior Design. Bali - Jakarta
Read more >Magat Kristianto started his early architecture career in one of Top Five Architecture Company in Bali, the GFAB Architects, as the Head of its Interior Design Division. Some of the projects undertaken include the Four Points Hotel by Sheraton project in Cambodia and also several villas and housing projects that he took on as a freelance. These invaluable experiences gained throughout his career in the GFAB have shaped him to become the professional designer and architect that he is now. Since September 2011, he began his own architect and interior design bureau named Khatulistiwa Design. His aim is to provide professional services in every critical level, starting from preliminary concept, design planning until periodic field monitoring, in order to achieve and provide his customers with the best architecture quality.
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