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Axis&M Architects are an architectural firm based in West Sumatera, Indonesia. Our experience ranges in style from traditional to contemporary and modren. We approach problems spatially and three-dimensionally, often leading to unanticipated solutions. As small firm, we have the ability to provide hands-on, personal attention from start to finish. We are committed to carefully listening and responding to our client's needs and wishes while using our expertise and creativity to help them build their dreams.
Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan

Arsitek| arsitektur| desain interior| masterplan

Lingkup lokasi pelayanan
Padang | Sumatera Barat | Pulau Sumatera | Medan | Pekanbaru | Jambi | Bukittinggi | Solok | Kota Sawahlunto | Indonesia | Jakarta | Bandung | Jawa Barat | Padang Panjang | Payakumbuh | Batusangkar |

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