All Projects
Sedayu Project Landed House Alcander (7)
Modern Tropical G House Depok (8)
Gazebo Kolam Ikan SL House (4)
FZ House (4)
Cluster Perumahan Palem Putri II (12)
House of Satria (10)
Modern Minimalist - House of Melvin Puri Indah (5)
Split Level Japandi House Bapak Faisal Bekasi (5)
Coffee Shop Naungan (3)
DIII Universitas Indonesia Rektorat (4)
House of Edo, Depok (3)
Design Renovasi Rektorat UI Universitas Indonesia (3)
House of Saifullah, Cilacap (5)
Design of Zeesica Studio Bedroom (3)
House of Adhinov Design & Build, BSD Serpong (6)
CBTP Office Lounge (3)
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Vittenan Cafe and Resto (3)
Galeri Kerajinan Smesco PLUT UMKM Kabupaten Kebumen (4)
Mr. Cristoffer Vasanta Innopark Apartment (3)
Owan To Go, SPBU Shell Graha Raya (2)
All Projects | House Of Satria
Published: 14 March 2025
Project Status: Terbangun
Project Year: 2022
Project Cost(IDR): IDR 251 juta - 500 juta
Lokasi: Kota Bks, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
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Rp {[{ tag.price == 0 ? '' : tag.price}]}
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in project {[{ project.title }]}
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