All Projects
Interior of Rempoa Residence (6)
Perkuatan Struktur Rumah Tinggal (6)
Cilo Interior Set (6)
Kalibata Re-Layout Project (18)
Samara Kitchen (3)
Matoa Cozy Lounge (9)
Mawar Classical House Project (45)
Lebakbulus Industrial Residential Project (31)
Rempoa Residence Project (48)
Discovery Minimalis House (9)
Simple Kitchen Set at Cibubur (12)
Kota Wisata, Cibubur, Renovasi (12)
Tropical Kitchen Set and Interior Set (11)
Bintaro Tropical House Project (11)
Cipete Natural House Design (5)
Rawa Maja Classic House Design (7)
BintaroTropical House Design (12)
Bintaro Simple House Project (7)
Bintaro Minimalist House Design (8)
Bintaro Simple House Design (12)
Koja Modern Minimalist House Design (7)
Bintaro Japanese Garden House Design (4)
Bintaro Minimalist House Project (4)
Mertilang Graphis House Design (12)
Cibodas Industrial Minimalist House Project (13)
Cibodas Industrial Minimalis House Design (7)
Modern Kontemporer Kitchen (3)
Koja Industrial House Project (9)
Cibubur House (7)
Modern kitchen (1)
Mansion @Jakarta Selatan (6)
House of Heritage (6)
Class Room FHUI (3)
Showroom Gunawarman (6)
Interior Furniture Bintaro Residence (10)
Home Interior Built in (9)
Architecture Art Deco Style (5)
Mansion (5)
SOHO Lakeshore at Canada (1)
Arsitektur Showroom (6)
Rumah Sakit (3)
Condotel for Healing Teraphy (3)
Interior Showroom Furniture (6)
Contemporary Bed Room (4)
Masjid at Serpong (4)
Mini Townhouse @ Pamulang (9)
Open Pantry (2)
Wardrobe house (1)
Office @Cibubur (6)
Office Furniture (4)
Umbra House (4)
Bintaro New House (4)
All Projects | Office @cibubur
Published: 15 November 2019
Project Status: Terbangun
Project Year: 2014
Project Cost(IDR): IDR 2,1 milyar - 3 miliar
Lokasi: Bekasi, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
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in project {[{ project.title }]}
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