HighStreetStudio offers a complete creative direction, interior design, and architectural design services, the studio’s projects range from commercial to residential sector. Since 2009 we have collaborated with clients to achieve measurable business results and better living - working environments. Under the creative direction of Jakarta-based designers, the studio celebrates clients who seek innovative ways of developing their brand or their interior. Its unique approach disregards convention in search of something altogether more courageous, fun and impulsive. Our designers are able to draw on a wide range of talents and diverse backgrounds, including architecture, interior design, product design and graphic design. We have accumulated international experiences ranging from Asia, Europe, and The United States, which prove invaluable asset as our clients demand a wider point of view to assist them in their endeavours.Our subdivision : - KCS General Contractor - https://www.arsitag.com/profile/kcs-general-contractor
Read more >PT. HIMBAR BUANA KONSTRUKSI Menerapkan standar kerja yang jelas dan terukur dalam mewujudkan hunian impian anda. Proses Desain | Anggaran Biaya | Persetujuan Kontrak Kerja | Pelaksanaan Konstruksi | Kontrol Kualitas | Serah Terima Proyek
Read more >Giving ideas to something that lasts and to enhance a good quality of people's lives. Over 15 years as profesional Architect to be more matture how architecture and interior can give an unforgetable experience in people's life. Work fast and in a right composition, good understanding through renderings, become one of the important element of enjoyment.
Read more >Lineamarca is a full service architecturedesign firm based in Jakarta. The firm was founded in 2009. The firm’s current portfolio, which is based on principal’s involvement in past projects, includes wide spectrum of projects ranging from master planning, mixed use development, shopping center, office, cultural, building with specific purpose and interior. The firm has undertaken and completed numerous projects which gives the experience and confidence to handle such work both nationally andinternationally. Our professional, talented and visioned team has ensured the firm’s success in providing innovative solutions to complex problems. Principal’s intimate involvement with client in engaging a project is the firm’s commitment towards producing design excellence for all of our clients.
Read more >Atelier BAOU is an architecture and interior design studio based in Tangerang, Indonesia. It was founded in 2017 by enthusiastic young architects. Atelier BAOU always give special design with innovative , simple, and contemporary to contribute Indonesian architecture. We welcome client input at all stages of a project. As a studio, we are quickly and decisively responsive to our clients, flexibly adjusting our processes to suit each client and project. We design to build comfort and better building design. Forms and spaces are no mere objective, they are developed from the processes, demands and cultural contexts of each project. We consider our client service to include not only design excellence, but also the successful, efficient and good delivery of completed projects. We partner with our clients throughout the full design and construction process, ensuring the client experience is as best as possible.
Read more >Perkenalkan saya Raras sebagai Owner Raisa Interior, berpengalaman di bidang Interior kurang lebih 13 tahun, mengutamakan Design Minimalis. Konsultan Design and Supervisi, Solusi jasa Design Interior yang mampu mewujudkan keinginan anda untuk memiliki Interior rumah, kantor, hotel, studio musik, karoeke room, apartemen, landscape interior atau bagian didalamnya seperti, kitchenset, roomset, partisi, rak tv, kabinet, mattress, karpet, wallpaper, vinil, sofa, gorden, vitrace, vertical blinds, roller blind, roman shades, gypsum, kasa nyamuk ataupun permintaan khusus lainnya. Dengan beberapa pengalaman terbaik kami yang mampu memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan menjadikan suatu kebanggan yang membuat kami pantas menjadi mitra desain interior anda dan keluarga di kota Balikpapan maupun seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Pengalaman kami dilapangan membuktikan dalam menangani berbagai tantangan yang diberikan pelanggan atau clien, dapat kami selesaikan tepat waktu dengan hasil yang memuaskan, sehingga mampu dan layak untuk menjadi referensi bagi anda untuk mengambil keputusan dalam memilih kami. Tentunya kami akan memberikan suatu konseb dan wujud dengan nilai khas terbaik sesuai dengan keinginan dan mimpi anda beserta keluarga.
Read more >desingn dan bangun baru bangunan gedung,pabrik,ruko dan perumahan bidang sipil dan kontruksi , siap kerja di luar kota maupun luar pulau,,,berpengalaman lebih dari 30 thn di bidang bangunan...
Read more >I am a personal architect and interior consultant. My architecture project consist of various types of building from comercial building, housing complex, beach villa, shop house to multifunction ware house........While my interior project scope include interior of house, retail shop in mall, exhibition mock up, public building, store, facade renovation et........I have run this business and experienced in architecture planning drawing and consulting for almost 10 years until now........ Most of my project has been build........for project portfolio feel free to check my website....www.epzylonia.weebly.com....Now I seek the opportunities to cooperate with all of the people in the bigger world.......I will provide the best service to satisfy your desires and needs
Read more >PT. HAKANA BORNEO SEJAHTERA adalah Kontraktor amanah dan profesional yang siap membantu mewujudkan impian anda. Kami dapat dipercaya tidak pernah obral janji, karena pekerjaan kami semua tertulis lengkap dengan Gambar Kerja, RAB dan surat kontrak kerja berbadan hukum, sehingga kami selalu menjaga amanah yang telah diberikan para klien dan bekerja sesuai dengan perjanjian. layanan kami meliputi jasa konstruksi, interior dan pengembangan perumahaan yang termuka, unggul dan terpercaya di Indonesia berdasarkan kekuatan SDM yang mempunyai nilai-nilai Spritual dan Intelektual yang berorientasi pada pelayanan terhadap Konsumen dan Kesejahteraan Rakyat.
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