Total Renov is one stop renovation solutions for your home and office. We help our clients to create new ambience and atmosphere in their home with high quality and safety of the structure. Our passion is to deliver your home imagination into reality without compromise. Our team are skilled, professional, reliable, trustworthy and expertise in home and office renovation industry. We have worked for our clients in various projects such as home, office, restaurant, fashion store, insurance office, etc.
Read more >Building Perfect Habitat for People Kita sebagai manusia senantiasa memiliki tujuan hidup dan berupaya memenuhi tujuan tersebut dari waktu kita membuka mata hingga menutupnya kembali setiap hari. Bahkan tanpa kita sadari, kualitas waktu istirahat kita juga ikut berperan dalam menunjang upaya pencapaian tujuan hidup kita. Bertolak dari pemikiran ini, dapat dikatakan bahwa ruang dimana kita beraktifitas maupun beristirahat menjadi faktor yang berperan penting. Kualitas ruang dimana orang berada, apapun bentuk aktifitasnya, mempengaruhi kondisi pikiran, performa, efisiensi, komunikasi, dan emosi penghuninya. A well built space, where someone have a sense of belonging, become a habitat for him. When someone is in the right habitat, they can unlock their best potential. Demi menjawab kebutuhan ruang yang dapat menjadi habitat bagi para penghuninya, Arkara hadir sebagai sebuah perusahaan kontraktor interior yang mampu menangani proyek di bidang residential, office, dan commercial space. Berawal dari gagasan dua orang arsitek muda pada tahun 2016, dalam perjalanannya Arkara terus berupaya menyampaikan solusi terbaik yang merupakan hasil dari manajemen waktu yang efektif, keterampilan para pekerja, jalur komunikasi yang efisien dan penggunaan teknologi yang inovatif.
Read more >Our company is established since early 2013. We own design team who eager to work from small scale to big scale projects such as retail, boutique, office, residence, hotel, resort, restaurant, and many more. We create innovative yet functional design. At last, our vision is to make client's satisfaction to our design with great team work and good design. Check our instagram profile and website
Read more >Saya adalah seorang interior designer yang memulai karir saya sejak tahun 2005. Kunci dari sebuah interior yang baik tidak hanya terletak dari keindahan warna dan bahan saja, namun terutama terletak pada layoutnya. Memaksimalkan ruang yang sempit adalah kekuatan saya. Desain modern dengan motto form follow function telah menjadi dasar dalam karya saya untuk menciptakan desain yg praktis dan efektif bagi penggunanya. D'Sign Company
Read more >LD Projects merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Design&Build, dengan mencakup lingkup pekerjaan seperti ; Desain arsitektur, Desain Interior, Konstruksi, dan Furniture.
Read more >Atelier Rais and partner Franchois tanoto draw on their backgrounds in store design, visual display, and fashion to create lovely, elegant rooms. are especially adroit at fashioning a look of tailored luxury that evokes both past and present. We love sleek, clean, minimalist design, on the rock, but twist it with modern luxury ingredient, depending on the occasion, "wink"
Read more >CATA Design is Design and Build Company under PT. Gerakan Inovasi Indonesia. Our name derived from Sanskrit language that mean heart, comes from our philosophy to create lively space that suits our company vision. We are doing the whole project with all of our heart and feelings to humanize the space, not only make the human space. Creating a living space. Our creation will focus not only in efficiency, simplicity, and functionality but also makes the users feel the connection between users with the space, therefore anyone inside is able to feel comfortable in doing activities that can ultimately make the efficiency of work and leisure activities increases. We value the relationships we establish and purpose to deliver the highest quality product to our clients. At CATA INTERIORS, we pride ourselves on our integrity and strong work ethic. We created CATA INTERIORS to offer a high-quality product, custom-tailored to meet the needs of the client.
Read more >Designing a new architecture As an architect, 7 Design Architect seeking a new balance between art and technology, form and function, beauty and purpose. We are professional architects and interior designers aiming to solve architectural problems through nature and sustainability. We serve clients by listening to their concerns, understanding their needs, and sharing in their vision. We are fully committed to satisfying clients with excellent results. We are Architect and interior design company based in Jakarta, Indonesia operating in the retail, restaurant & café, office and residential sectors.
Read more >KALA adalah studio desain arsitektur dan desain interior yang berada di Jakarta. Kami dapat menjadi partner yang bisa mengerti apa yang klien butuhkan. Professional, Terbuka dan Kredibel merupakan visi yang kami bawa dan jaga untuk setiap klien yang kami tangani.
Read more >We’re a Design-Build construction company specialized in office, retail. We focused on getting the job done. And finding the best way to do it. We provide an all in one integrated design-build process where we work together in unison creating a budget, then designing to that budget, updating the budget as the design is developed, and then reporting financial changes throughout the process. The main purpose of our process is to help streamline the design-build process. To give the client financial visibility into their projects to ultimately save our clients time, surprises and money.
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