Delution Design Revolution merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perencanaan arsitektur dan perencanaan desain interior. Dengan lingkup perencanaan yang beridi di jakarta selatan. Didirikan oleh 3 Arsitek muda bernama Muhammad Egha, Sunjaya Askaria, dan Hezby Ryandi yang mempunyai visi yang sama pada tahun 2013 di Jakarta. Pada tahun 2014 kita mendapat Partner baru yang bernama Fahmy Desrizal yang ikut membantu membangun Delution. Kami selalu berusaha menciptakan gagasan yang inovatif dan kreatif dalam menjawab kebutuhan arsitektur dan interior masa kini, dan kami memiliki visi dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam membangun wajah ruang dan kota menjadi lebih baik, secara nasional maupun internasional. Fokus pada tujuan memaksimalkan dan memberikan yang terbaik dalam segi desain, fungsi serta harmonisasi diantara keduanya dan ikut menciptakan karya yang revolusioner bagi dunia kreatif khususnya arsitektur dan interior. Selain menjalankan berbagai macam proyek di daerah Lokal (Jakarta), Nasional (Sukabumi dan Bengkulu) hingga International (India). Delution juga telah memperoleh beberapa penghargaan baik secara Nasional maupun Internasional, seperti Special Mention German Design Award 2016 yang diadakan German Design Council di Frankfrut, Bes Design of The Year for Corporate Small Space Category yang diadakan Asosiasi Desain Interior Internasional di Hong-Kong dan Finalis 2A Asia Architecture Awards yang diadakan 2A Magazine di Istanbul. Untuk Nasional Delution berhasil meraih Juara 2 (2nd Award) pada Sayembara Monumen Patung Yesus di Jayapura yang diadakan oleh Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia. Selain penghargaan, Project Delution juga telah terpublikasi oleh beberapa media dan jurnal internasional seperti Korea, China, Germany, French, Arab, Spain, dan Rusia.
Read more >Mendekor is here to help you turn your dream spaces into reality, from residential to commercial. Our complete services including consultation, design development, furniture design and construction. We believe that great design is not just appealing to the eyes, but also need to be functional and share positive vibes to the users. Our team is composed of highly trained, experienced and passionate people, who will deliver an optimum and first class service to our clients.
Read more >Savala Design Studio (PT. Savala Associate Indonesia) is a design and build company serving based in Jakarta. The company was established in September 2016, specializes in all kind of architectural related work including urban masterplaning, office building, commercial building, residential building, interior design, and exhibition booth project. We provide full architectural design services, from schematic concept design stage to construction supervision. Savala Design Studio committed to approach the needs and desire of our clients through space. We emphasize teamwork, innovation, and the creation of real value to our clients. Our professionals work as a team with different kind of background and experience. Our method of working is highly participatory, with clients, engineers, and specialist consultants all contributing from the beginning of a project and throughout the design process. We believe teamwork is the key to visualize a great design which has to be pleasing and functional as well.
Read more >ADEA Studio concerns to create functional, aesthetic, simple and efficient design to answer the challenge of space needs. We strive to provide responsive user centered design solutions which is aimed at achieving space optimization to support users activities and also to create a good living experience by exploring ideas through color, texture, material and natural elements.
Read more >Architect, Interior, General Contractor.
Read more >Kami adalah perusahaan Konstruksi Interior fiitout, Furniture Manufacturing, MEP, HVAC
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Lihat project saya >Kami adalah biro konsultan desain arsitektur dengan orang-orang profesional yang berpengalaman di bidangnya, dan dengan keinginannya untuk menjunjung tinggi etos kerja dalam segala aspek yang terkait dalam menciptakan suatu karya desain yang berkualitas pada setiap pekerjaannya. Lingkup pekerjaan kami menjangkau ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia, namun untuk saat ini paling banyak terkonsentrasi di kota Jakarta. Kami yakin bahwa proses desain merupakan suatu proses gabungan dari berbagai disiplin kerja antara segi fungsi, ide, kreatifitas, dan juga dari segi konstruksi sehingga semuanya itu dapat terwujud dan terlaksana dengan baik. Karena itu, kolaborasi yang baik antara klien, arsitek dan kontraktor adalah salah satu faktor penting dalam mewujudkan suatu karya desain yang baik. Lingkup pekerjaan kami adalah Konsep Desain, Gambar Pra Rencana, 3D Artist Impression, Gambar Kerja sampai Supervisi Berkala. We are a young, enthusiastic team of professionals with a broad range of expertise and services. We are passionate about architecture and are committed to maintaining an ethos of quality throughout all aspects of our work. Our work is featured throughout Indonesia , although concentrated in Jakarta. We believe that our duty is a multidisciplinary process of combination between functions, ideas and construction into one state of the art building and interior. Therefore, a good collaboration between the owner, architect and the builders is an important factor to achieve a successful design. As such we are bound by codes of ethics and are committed to continual professional development. Our services are design concept, 3D images presentations, working drawing, preliminary design and supervision.
Read more >alradistadesign ( PT Alradista Desain Indonesia_ is a Jakarta-based architecture and interior design consultant, we help everyone to create “good living space” and sustainable design, good design is not only creating what has present, but never ending effort to explore new idea to enhanced design value All fine architectural values are human values, else not valuable.“Frank Llyod Wright”
Read more >AOS is a Jakarta based group of architects, designers, builders and thinkers operating the fields of architecture, interior design, landscape design, product design, research and development. Architecture is a social art. And as a social art, it is our social responsibility to make sure that we are delivering architecture that meets not only functional and creature comforts, but also spiritual comfort.
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