S T U D / O • R T M S T U D / O • R T M (Studio Rumah Taman Modern) is a studio design that focuses on architecture, interior and contractor. Located at Taman Modern Cakung, the studio started in January 2014. Our passion for architecture give us the courage and drive to leave our comfort zone and started this studio. Architecture, a living art that we embrace in our daily lives. The breeze that enters a working room with the occasional faint sound from the bird outdoor. The ticking sound of raindrops and sunlight that seeps through the window curtain. These simple nature bliss are our core inspirations in creating things. Working with various clients give us pleasant challenges. There will be times when we have to face our differences and come up with the best solution. However through this process we believe we could achieve a better result. We love process. Process is an important essence in our work. Just like a movie. There is introduction, conflict, climax and an ending. Everything feels beautiful, because we enjoy the process. In architecture, process is strength. Just like this writing that is made with process. Nico Gowindra
Read more >BIOGRAPHY CHAI TWIN Co .Independent architect interior designer with many project handle from architecture building design and interior design field. RESIDENCE, RETAIL, RESTO & CAFE, HOTEL,APARTMENT, SALON, BUTIK ETC. ARCHITECTURE-INTERIOR STYLE Natural - Modern - Simple - Elegant - Ekletik - Simple Futuristic ARCHITECT INFLUENCES MOSHE SAFDIE; SAHA HADID; F. LIOYD WRIGHT; LE CORBUSIER; CHARLES & RAY EAMES CONTACT Phone : 0821 230 68413 / 0815 1393 7573 Email : chais_dragon@hotmail.com chais_twin_co@yahoo.com Web : ctc-si.designshuffle.com
Read more >Simplicity is the Ultimate Form of SOPHISTICATION Architecture//Interior//Workshop agra.architecture@gmail.com Portoflio can be download by click the link below : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By0FCq1db3R-OEtibmdoODR5bTcwTXdPcFFZVHdMbDJRNHlj
Read more >KASTA CREATIVE berdiri pada tahun 2015 yang berlokasi di Bandung. Kami memberikan konsultasi dan layanan jasa yang independen, meliputi Perencanaan dan Perancangan dengan didukung oleh Tim ahli kami yang akan memberikan jasa Konsultasi Perencanaan dan Perancangan serta Pengembangan untuk Pembangunan Kawasan, Bangunan Gedung Perkantoran, Apartemen, Perumahan, Rumah Sakit, Hotel, Pusat Perbelanjaan, Gedung Industri, Masjid, Gedung Pendidikan serta Gedung Olah Raga. Kami melakukan pengawasan berkala mulai dari pelaksanaan proyek sampai dengan proyek selesai, seseuai dengan kewenangan yang diberikan untuk mengontrol, mengelola, memantau dan melaporkan seluruh aspek proyek serta Menentukan strategi perencanaan yang paling cocok serta menyampaikan pertimbangan dalam strategi alternatif pengembangan
Read more >Aurava Design merupakan studio arsitek yang berlokasi di Tangerang. Fokus Aurava adalah desain arsitektur dan Interior. Aurava memiliki dasar perancangan ‘Creating Space, Making a Place’, yang artinya bahwa setiap perancangan yang dibuat, akan memberi dampak bagi pengguna ruang tersebut dan menjadikan ruang tersebut memiliki nilai tambah untuk menciptakan aktivitas yang sustainable
Read more >desainer interior dan mampu meranncang dari arsitektur yang mana akan menggambarkan, mengembangkan dan menciptakan imajinasi anda,
Read more >FOCAL+A was established in 2017 and located in Tangerang, Banten. FOCAL+A is part of PT. Orang Iseng Group. FOCAL+A is a consulting firm and contractor, providing service in the field of architectural design, interior design, urban design, landscape design, interior and civil contractor. We emphasize teamwork, innovation, and the creation of real value to our clients. We have organized ourselves to work efficiently to help our clients achieve their goals.
Read more >Tanozaro Indonesia Kreasi Architecture, Interior, Art, Decoration, Contractor, Furniture
Read more >Swastamita Grup merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang desain & build. Memiliki tim desain Arsitek dan Kontraktor Pelaksana yang sudah berpengalaman.
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