ZAP (zubair's atelier plus) is an Indonesia-based group of architects and designers, research-based design approach allows us to create spaces that are comfortable, sustainable, and inspiring. It's not just about buildings - it's about elevating people's quality of life through design. ZAP works to improve the world we live in through its creative design. We strive for perfection and aim to make living spaces comfortable and inviting. our team of talented designers brings ideas from a variety of disciplines to come up with beautiful designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. By involving clients, stakeholders, and experts from different fields, ZAP is able to stay current on trends, technology, and materials to create cutting-edge designs.
Read more >Personal yang memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman dalam perencanaan di bidang sipil dan arsitek, saya memaami tentang perencanaan bangunan mulai dari struktur sampai ke arsitektur sehingga akan menghasilkan bangunan yang kuat dan bagus sesuai dengan keinginan owner dan memenuhi standar yang berlaku.
Read more >"a building is not just an inanimate object, it was created by humans and for humans, because humans have a heart and the feeling of a building must also have these characteristics"
Read more >Studio Dexa Arsitek adalah sebuah studio arsitek yang memiliki kompetensi keahlian arsitek yaitu perencanaan. kami ada sebuah biro dimana baru yang bergerak dalam dunia industri properti. kami telah mengikuti beberapa pekerjaan perencanaan hunian seperti eksterior dan interior rumah tinggal. kita menciptakan sebuah rancangan design hunian sesuai keingin client dan budget client.
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