We specialized team in design and development project with our goal being to enhance the way people interact with their spaces with most of time in. Our inspiration comes from urban cityscapes with environmental touch. Our design purpose are to imbue beauty, flexibility, with basic needs that other maybe designer can probably forget…it’s convenience. We always maintain our client’s vision and dream to involve at every steps of the process. Because you have the right to know, to understand, and because you are worth it.
Read more >Please contact us before order on our gig for correct pricing and deadlines. Thanks for transfixed your gaze to our design gig! Over the past 18 years, we've gained quite a bit of experience working in many project specifically focused on design and build.. We're professional licensed architect and urban designer. We've worked with a number of talented architect, builders and real estate developers to create buildings became our masterpiece.. With this gig we can help you do the same to your project.. If you're looking for someone like us, someone with experience and the skill to help turn your project into a stunning masterpiece . . . we should talk!!! Feelfree to message us before placing your order with any questions.. Lets do some cool stuff together.. Happy to help !!! - Concept sketch - Rough plan idea - Material reference - Forcon drawing - 3D video visualization Revision : 3 Delivery days : 7
Read more >Previously known as Parametr Indonesia, Parametr Rupacita is the new evolution of our brand. We, Parametrian, work to create high quality architecture designs that try meet our clients’ needs and taste. Parametr Rupacita is led by our Principal, Harun Wisaksono. Together with our promising young Indonesian architects, we strive to create better living for our clients and design users. Parametr Indonesia was established on 20 September 2009 by its three Founding Partners. Its embryo was started from a boutique workshop and with high confidence that promotes professional practices in architecture world. The Founding Partners are professional architects with experiences working at internationally and regionally renowned architecture firms and projects. Parametr Rupacita is based in Jakarta and continuously serves wide range of clients, both regionally and internationally, for business and private design projects. Parametr Rupacita works have been very diversed, with portfolios that cover residential, office, hospitality, education, and retail projects. They have been widely covered and acknowledged by national and international media. Our unique personality has always been reflected in our designs that matched our enthusiasm to bring people experience into highest level with our design, in our every project and for all of our clients. We believe our work can create a better world for all. Instagram : @parametr.rupacita
Read more >FESA adalah biro desain yang bergerak di bidang Arsitektur, Interior, dan Kontraktor. Tim kami diisi oleh talenta muda di bidang desain -perencanaan dan berkolaborasi dengan tim lapangan yang sudah berpengalaman puluhan tahun, kami paham bahwa klien menginginkan pelaksanaan konstruksi oleh orang yang lebih berpengalaman, sehingga akan tepat mutu, waktu, dan biaya tanpa mengurangi estetika desain modern dan berkualitas.
Read more >Saya terjun ke dunia profesional arsitektur sejak tahun 2001.
Read more >Counna Design Studio adalah sebuah studio desain yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa Interior dan Arsitektur, yang berlokasi di kota Solo -Indonesia. Didirikan sekitar pertengahan tahun 2015 kami mulai membuka kantor kami di kawasan pusat kota Solo. Selama beberapa tahun Counna Studio berjalan, Alhamdulillah kami telah mendapatkan kepercayaan untuk menangani beberapa proyek di dalam kota maupun di luar kota. Proyek yang pernah kita tangani yaitu meliputi proyek Perencanaan maupun Pelaksanaan ( Design & Build ). Proyek - proyek yang pernah kami tangani yaitu meliputi proyek Rumah Tinggal, Perumahan , Kost Exclusive, Resto , Outlet , Instansi, Klinik, Apotek, Kantor, Sekolah, Universitas dan lain sebagainya. Sedikit informasi untuk beberapa proyek yang pernah kami tangani, selain clien / owner yang datang ke Counna Studio untuk mempercayakan proyek mereka kepada kami, Counna Studio juga mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berkerjasama dengan beberapa kontraktor maupun praktisi dalam dunia interior & arsitektur, untuk membantu proyek yang mereka tangani. Baik itu kerjasama meliputi konsep desain maupun pelaksanaan. Untuk jenis pekerjaan yang pernah kita tangani pada umumnya meliputi Konsultan, Konsep desain, Visualisasi, dan Pelaksanaan. Visi Dan Harapan Kami adalah berusaha menjadi sebuah biro desain yang kompeten di bidang Interior dan Arsitektur , dapat membantu mewujudkan keinginan customer akan sebuah hunian atau bangunan yang diinginkan. Serta dapat menghasilkan karya - karya yang mempunyai nilai fungsi / guna yang baik dan memiliki nilai estetis . “ All About Designing Your Homeland and make it Aweseome “ C o u n n a D e s i g n S t u d i o
Read more >We provide architectural & interior design for your dream home / buildings to create better living environment
Read more >Mystudio merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pembuatan ruang kedap suara dan akustik. Mystudio melayani pembuatan ruang akustik seperti studio musik, studio recording, studio radio, home theater, ruangan karaoke / ruang karaoke / karaoke room, ruang rapat, hall, auditorium, ballroom hotel, dll. Perusahaan yang berdiri pada tanggal 10 desember 2010 ini hingga tahun 2019 telah dipercaya untuk mengerjakan lebih dari 300 project di seluruh Indonesia.
Read more >I gained my architectural professional degree from the United States and have worked there professionally for 6 years. I am design oriented in my architecture and always thriving to create a functional yet beautiful space for people to live in while also taking deep considerations of the surrounding site, climate and cullture in my design.
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