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We specialized team in design and development project with our goal being to enhance the way people interact with their spaces with most of time in. Our inspiration comes from urban cityscapes with environmental touch. Our design purpose are to imbue beauty, flexibility, with basic needs that other maybe designer can probably forget…it’s convenience. We always maintain our client’s vision and dream to involve at every steps of the process. Because you have the right to know, to understand, and because you are worth it.
Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan

konsultasi bangunan| survey proyek| jasa konsultasi bangunan| desain bangunan| desain rumah| desain kantor| desain gedung| desain kawasan| siteplan| jasa pembuatan siteplan| drafter gambar kerja| render 3D animasi| video animasi proyek| rancang bangun| design & build| renovasi rumah| cut and fill tanah| kontraktor rumah| desain interior| kitchen set


- Anggota Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia - Arsitek muda IAI Jawa Tengah - Manajemen Proyek Gedung

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