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We are an architecture and interior studio spesializing in consultant design and construction development based in jakarta. We do several work items such as interior finishing, furniture and others. We provide the best service for you with the best solutions and quality services in every project to meet client needs and satisfaction as well as efficiency in providing cost-effective solutions. Building and Space. "Create Your Illusion Into Illustration"
Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan

Desain Arsitektur| Rumah Tinggal| Kantor| Bangunan Komersial| Desain Interior| Dekorasi| Furniture| Pekerjaan Kayu| Pekerjaan Alumunium| Pekerjaan Baja| Wall Panel| Plafond| Flooring| Pintu| Kaca| Kontraktor


Certificate : 1. Autodesk Revit, 2019 2. Penerapan Prinsip Feng Shui ; Rumah Tinggal & Ruang Komersial, 2018 3. Architecture Between Past and Future, 2017 4. Dukungan Intelegent System Dalam Perencanaan Ruang Kota DKI Jakarta, 2017 5. Livable City, 2016 6. IndoBuildTech Expo, 2016

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