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Studié is an Architecture & Interior Design Studio based in Jakarta-Indonesia, and founded by Architect Ivan Eldo since 2017. Studié stands for Studio Ivan Eldo, and in German it means “study”. Which means we will never stop to learn in each of our project and opportunity to be able to develop our abilities and quality. Our idealism in designing is to prioritize client satisfaction according to what they like and need, not just for our egos in design tastes & ideas. We have completed several design projects such as residential, commercial, office, and retail. We also work on interior production and installation, fit-out expert, and retail reinstatement
Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan

Desain Interior| Arsitek| Design| Build| kitchen set| furniture| pekerjaan kayu| interior wall| dekorasi| cat| lighting| flooring| plafond



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