All Projects   |   Angkapusa 1 Hq Bali Office

Angkapusa 1 Hq Bali Office (0 Photos)

Published: 23 September 2020


Summary I1. The continuing distribution of organizations. Ultimately, workers, work and workplaces serve the needs of the organizations, and they will reflect the continuing spatial and organizational distribution of these organizations with more distributed workstyles and workplaces. 2. The availability of enabling technologies and social collaboration tools. Technologies for collaborating with co-workers wherever they are will continue to become cheaper, easier to use and ubiquitous. 4. The demand for more work flexibility. Workers will demand more work flexibility—the ability to decide how they should define and tackle specific problems and tasks, and when and where work is done. 3. The coming shortage of knowledge workers. There will be a shortage of younger knowledge workers in the coming years as the Baby Boomer generation retires and younger workers take their place. 5. Pressure for more sustainable organizations and workstyles. Perhaps the 800-pound gorilla is the push for organizations to drastically reduce their carbon footprint, whether through regulations or market-driven incentives and disincentives. Organizations will have to examine all major sources of greenhouse gas emissions to comply, including tapping the potential of how, where and when we work: group locations, building efficiencies, commute patterns, and air travel practices.

Summary I1. The continuing distribution of organizations. Ultimately, workers, work and workplaces serve the needs of the organizations, and they will reflect the continuing spatial and organizational distribution of these organizations with more distributed workstyles and workplaces. 2. The availability of enabling technologies and social collaboration tools. Technologies for collaborating with co-workers whe...

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Project Status: Dalam Pembangunan

Project Year: 2015

Project Cost(IDR): IDR 751 juta - 1 milyar