YKK AP Showroom (PT. Forcon Fasad Windor) (20)
rumah singgah (a form of criticism) (7)
1st Winner of New Balaikota Makassar City & DPRD Office design Competition (16)
Breathe Mosque (Masjid Al-Ikhlas Belawa) (8)
Interior Design of Apartment Unit (22)
Desain Rehabilitasi Rumah Phinisi Makassar | with PT.DAP (5)
Interior Design of girl bedroom in private house (5)
Interior Design of boys bedroom in private home (11)
Interior of Cordela Hotel Kartika Dewi Yogyakarta (10)
Asrama Mahasiswa Polewali Mandar di Makassar | with PT.DAP (6)
Concept of Integrated Fishing Industry in Paotere, Makassar (final project architecture studio) (4)
Interior of Four Points Hotel by Sheraton, Makassar (rooms, swimming pool, fitness center) (5)
All Projects | Bedroom Design
Published: 20 January 2017
Published: 20 January 2017
Warna putih dipilih sebagai warna dominan dalam kamar ini, serta permainan cermin agar lebih memberi kesan luas pada ruangan. Beberapa pemanis visual seperti bantal kursi dan perpaduan dengan warna kayu untuk membuat mood ruang tidak membosankan.Project Status: Dalam Pembangunan
Project Year: 2017
By {[{ project.owner_name }]}
in project {[{ project.title }]}
{[{ photo_info.style }]} {[{ photo_info.style ? ' | ' : '' }]} {[{ photo_info.budget == 1 ? '$': ''}]} {[{ photo_info.budget == 2 ? '$$': ''}]} {[{ photo_info.budget == 3 ? '$$$': ''}]} {[{ photo_info.budget == 4 ? '$$$$': ''}]} {[{ photo_info.budget ? ' | ' : '' }]} {[{ photo_info.room_category_str }]} {[{ photo_info.room_category_str ? ' | ' : '' }]} {[{ project.location ? project.location : ''}]}
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