What Kind of Designers Are We ? We are architects and interior design studio who passionate in creating high-quality personalized design. Why Do You Need Our Services ? We are desired to create a design which combined between your needs, characters and personal preferences. How Do We Work ? Before we design, firstly, we will do the dissection of character - preferences - habits of yours. Based on those personal information we will craft it into architectural elements. Ultimately, it will become a beautiful design that reflects YOU.
Read more >"Mimar Architects " PT.MIMAR TUJU MEMBUMI " , adalah sebuah perusahaan di bidang jasa yang tak hanya bergerak pada desain arsitektur , melainkan juga pembangunan dan berbagai macam turunanya seperti desain dan pembuatan interior , loose furniture , pagar , kanopi dsb. Kami hadir dalam mewujudkan pembangunan impian anda. Jika anda senang terima beres , bersiap siaplah untuk puas dengan hasil akhirnya. Jika anda sangat detail dalam decision making anda , maka kami siap untuk menjadi mitra sekaligus sahabat membangun anda. Kami membangun senyum harmoni di sepanjang waktu berhuni anda dan keluarga .
Read more >Established in Semarang since 1998. Rajawali Putera Utama is well known Mechanical, Electrial, Architectural Lighting Design & Air Conditioner Contractor. We have played a significant role in Indonesia constructing company, from commercial, office building, schools, factories, residential, and many more. Based on our experience over the past 20 years as ME Lighting & AC contractor, we now ready to serve you as a consultant, planner & builder for all your projects. Design, Planning & Build ME System Design, Planning & Build Lighting Design Design, Planning & Build AC System: AC Installation, Repair & Service Maintaining & Upgrading System Troubleshooting & Repairing We believe we can offer your operation a cost effecient solution to all your building needs.
Read more >Kami adalah konsultan arsitek dan interior yang berdiri dari tahun 2011.Dan melayani Desain seluruh Indonesia.Produk yang kami tawarkan meliputi :- JASA DESAIN RUMAH- JASA DESAIN INTERIOR- JASA DESAIN VILLA- JASA DESAIN RUKO DAN KANTOR- JASA DESAIN TEMPAT IBADAHUNTUK INFO LEBIH DETAIL BISA MENGHUBUNGI TIM KAMI
Read more >Haiii ! Kami Cipta Nirwana Contractor, profesonal contractor di bidanh perumahan yang hadir untuk membantu anda mewujudkan bangunan terbaik sesuai kebutuhan anda melalui kolaborasi dalan pelaksanaannya. Oleh karenanya, dengan pengalaman kami di dunia rancang bangun, membuat kami semakin yakin untuk bisa berbuat lebih banyak lagi, membantu keinginan tersebut semakin nyata untuk terwujud. Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan Design and Build| Interior Design| DED| Video Animasi Arsitektur| Pengawasan. kami berfokus padha Kualitas bangun yang baik sehingga konsumen kami puas akan hasilnya
Read more >“Menyediakan Layanan Pertukangan, Desain, Produksi Interior & Eksterior Yang Komunikatif & Berkualitas, Mudah Serta Cepat diakses dengan Harga Terjangkau”
Read more >Kenali Studio is an Architecture Design Studio based in Semarang, Central Java. Kenali Studio offers services in the fields of Architecture, Interior Design, Renovation, Decoration, Landscaping, Urbanism and Space Planning. Kenali Studio provide services such as Concept (Schematics), Detail Engineering Drawing (DED), 3D Modeling, 3D Animation and Real Estimate of Cost (RAB). Our design approach is the challenge of finding the best solution that goes beyond the conventional view of urban development, by combining the desires and image of the client to create a new design that is sustainable and environmentally friendly by combining the three main elements of utility, firmity and beauty of the design.
Read more >Design firm based in Semarang, Indonesia. We serve design and build service in terms of architectural, interior, and landscape planning purpose.
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Lihat project saya >We pursue to generate UNIQUE SPACE EXPERIENCE for each design that we create, specific to each individual’s NEEDS & requirement.
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