Daftar Home Improvement Profesional di Indonesia - Arsitag

Gajah Bumi Construction di Indonesia
Gajah Bumi Construction di Indonesia
Gajah Bumi Construction di Indonesia
Gajah Bumi Construction di Indonesia
Gajah Bumi Construction
Tokopedia Tower
30 Proyek Terbangun

Gajah Bumi provides general contracting, renovation, construction management and furniture production. Anchored by loyal employees who are dedicated to providing superior service, and grounded in the philosophy that honesty and integrity are as delivering satisfying service to all our clients, Gajah Bumi has enjoyed an impeccable reputation for over 10 years. We have never failed to complete a project. Schedules and budgets are meant to be kept, and we strive every day to do so. We also take a part in protecting the environment by using only sustainable tools and suitable building materials. Gajah Bumi experienced in bringing a concept place comes to life. Explore the details of our projects and feel free to ask us the quotation to build your dream place!

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 di Indonesia
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p   r   a   m   u   d   y   a di Indonesia
p   r   a   m   u   d   y   a di Indonesia
p   r   a   m   u   d   y   a di Indonesia
p   r   a   m   u   d   y   a di Indonesia
p   r   a   m   u   d   y   a
Ruko Emerald Blok CE 3rd Floor Bintaro Jaya
29 Proyek Terbangun

Starting from the anxiety of the values ​​of cultural virtue that is rarely considered again by the community and the belief that many great cultural values ​​that can be extracted and applied back to the present, Ar. Hengky Pramudya,ST, IAI, founded p r a m u d y a  at 2020.New is not a taboo, but the romance of the past intellectual is a valuable treasure for the future. That is why our design approach always be at its tip of cultural wisdom and a dialogue with the present to step in to the future. The dynamic dialectic of human beings with their environment that will shape the cultural relics in the course of our life. And so, we will always be in process on our journey, and on our works.Stepping forward while always learning to look back from the culture of this great nation. Towards a developed nation with a solid cultural foundation. This is our anxiety, our calling to continue to work and develop.

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 di Indonesia
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STUDIÉ di Indonesia
STUDIÉ di Indonesia
STUDIÉ di Indonesia
STUDIÉ di Indonesia
Jl.Cireundeu Permai Raya No.6 Lebak Bulus - Jakarta Selatan
28 Proyek Terbangun

Studié is an Architecture & Interior Design Studio based in Jakarta-Indonesia, and was founded by Ivan Eldo Architects since 2017. Studié stands for Studio Ivan Eldo, and in French means “study”, which means that Studié always keep develop its abilities and qualities in every project and opportunity. Our idealism in designing is empathy, by helping the interests and prioritizing client satisfaction according to what clients need and like that is coordinated with our things and experience, not just creating works with our own taste and design ego. We have completed several design projects such as residential, commercial, office and retail.

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 di Indonesia
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Pinterplan di Indonesia
Pinterplan di Indonesia
Pinterplan di Indonesia
Pinterplan di Indonesia
Jl. Raya Bogor-Parung No.99
27 Proyek Terbangun

Pinterplan Wahana Tata adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang desain arsitektur, desain interior & konstruksi yang berdomisili di Kota Bogor. Kami sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun dengan portofolio lebih dari 100 proyek. Visi kami adalah membantu Anda dengan sepenuh hati dalam mewujudkan bangunan dan ruangan dengan estetika yang menarik dan fungsi ruang yang tepat. Pinterplan Wahana Tata mengerti bahwa sebuah bangunan dan ruang akan di gunakan dalam jangka waktu yang sangat panjang dan membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit, karena itu kami mempunyai prinsip merancang setiap proyek dengan detail dan apik, dan mengeksekusi setiap tahap pelaksanaan dengan pengawasan yang ketat dan dukungan man power yang professional. Pinterplan Wahana Tata hadir sebagai solusi praktis untuk Anda yang membutuhkan desain yang menarik sekaligus pelaksanaan pembangunan yang rapi, hemat & tepat waktu.

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 di Indonesia
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Mata Air Persada di Indonesia
Mata Air Persada di Indonesia
Mata Air Persada di Indonesia
Mata Air Persada di Indonesia
Mata Air Persada
Gedung Citylofts Sudirman 8th Floor Suite #801 & 803 Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No 121
27 Proyek Terbangun

 Mata Air adalah perusahaan yang berlatar belakang Arsitektur dan Manajemen Proyek dengan skala menengah. Berdomisili di kawasan Central Business District Sudirman Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia. Perusahaan didirikan oleh Leonard Tambunan pada tahun 2001, seorang Arsitek dan Manajer Proyek yang bersertifikat serta berijin praktek di DKI Jakarta. Perusahaan menyediakan jasa Design & Build bangunan yang menuntut kualitas lebih, seperti rumah atau villa mewah, bangunan komersial yang digunakan sendiri, maupun produk properti yang berkelas. Pelayanan ini difokuskan dikota-kota besar pada kawasan yang primer seperti Menteng, Kebayoran Baru, Pondok Indah, Kelapa gading dan lainnya di Jakarta, serta kota lainnya diseluruh Indonesia. Melalui pelayanan design & build dibawah manajemen satu atap mampu mencapai kepuasan terhadap hasil dari keindahan arsitektur, interior, serta landscape dengan mutu yang tinggi. Perusahaan juga menyediakan jasa Design & Property Analysis sebagai cara yang benar mengetahui seberapa besar potensi dan kelayakan sebuah properti untuk dijadikan investasi yang menguntungkan. Oleh sebab itu kini Mata Air dikenal sebagai "Pusat Properti untuk Investasi”.

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 di Indonesia
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PT. GARISPRADA di Indonesia
PT. GARISPRADA di Indonesia
PT. GARISPRADA di Indonesia
PT. GARISPRADA di Indonesia
27 Proyek Terbangun

The name GARISPRADA started as our identity back in 1995, made merely in reqruitments for dealing a hotel project in Balikpapan. From that very first project, our company has grown far in term of ideas and dreams to keep our unique and distinctive style of design and architecture. Looking back, we have found much more pleasing than bad experiences. We learned to maintan our consistency, just as the first drip of dew on earth or endlessly, flowing water, along with persistence and passion for what we do.Integrity, commitment and competence made GARISPRADA a strong, growing fort with a recruiring spirit. We thank all that not only to our own confidence, but to faith for The Creator, as well as the act of loving the whole universe He made. One on our proudest work is to finish Masjid Kubah Emas, that was done within a year of design and six years of construction a clear proof of our firmly held faith.  PT.GARISPRADA Office Located in Jl. Pondok Betung Raya No. 89. Bintaro sektor 3. Jakarta 15525 Phone: 73690078. Fax: 73691059. Email: design@garisprada.com  

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 di Indonesia
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X3M ARCHITECTS di Indonesia
X3M ARCHITECTS di Indonesia
X3M ARCHITECTS di Indonesia
X3M ARCHITECTS di Indonesia
26 Proyek Terbangun

Passionate in delivering best architecture design and best construction quality for your needs! Workshop/ Office at Gading Serpong, Tangerang Projects in Tangerang, Jakarta, Lampung and Bali  

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 di Indonesia
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Lineamarca di Indonesia
Lineamarca di Indonesia
Lineamarca di Indonesia
Lineamarca di Indonesia
Jl. Terogong Raya No. 7C
26 Proyek Terbangun

Lineamarca is a full service architecturedesign firm based in Jakarta. The firm was founded in 2009. The firm’s current portfolio, which is based on principal’s involvement in past projects, includes wide spectrum of projects ranging from master planning, mixed use development, shopping center, office, cultural, building with specific purpose and interior. The firm has undertaken and completed numerous projects which gives the experience and confidence to handle such work both nationally andinternationally. Our professional, talented and visioned team has ensured the firm’s success in providing innovative solutions to complex problems. Principal’s intimate involvement with client in engaging a project is the firm’s commitment towards producing design excellence for all of our clients.

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 di Indonesia
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Cata Design di Indonesia
Cata Design di Indonesia
Cata Design di Indonesia
Cata Design di Indonesia
Cata Design
Grha Niaga Thamrin Lt. 1
25 Proyek Terbangun

CATA Design is Design and Build Company under PT. Gerakan Inovasi Indonesia. Our name derived from Sanskrit language that mean heart, comes from our philosophy to create lively space that suits our company vision. We are doing the whole project with all of our heart and feelings to humanize the space, not only make the human space. Creating a living space. Our creation will focus not only in efficiency, simplicity, and functionality but also makes the users feel the connection between users with the space, therefore anyone inside is able to feel comfortable in doing activities that can ultimately make the efficiency of work and leisure activities increases. We value the relationships we establish and purpose to deliver the highest quality product to our clients. At CATA INTERIORS, we pride ourselves on our integrity and strong work ethic. We created CATA INTERIORS to offer a high-quality product, custom-tailored to meet the needs of the client.

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 di Indonesia
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7Design Architect di Indonesia
7Design Architect di Indonesia
7Design Architect di Indonesia
7Design Architect di Indonesia
7Design Architect
Maple Park Apartment
25 Proyek Terbangun

Designing a new architecture As an architect, 7 Design Architect seeking a new balance between art and technology, form and function, beauty and purpose. We are professional architects and interior designers aiming to solve architectural problems through nature and sustainability. We serve clients by listening to their concerns, understanding their needs, and sharing in their vision. We are fully committed to satisfying clients with excellent results. We are Architect and interior design company based in Jakarta, Indonesia operating in the retail, restaurant & café, office and residential sectors.

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 di Indonesia
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